Sunday, May 25, 2008


Spring Madness

I remember when I was riding horses, the spring weather would invariably spur them to kick up their heels and get a little crazy. Good naturedly crazy. They'd be extra playful, have more energy, pal around in the pasture together. There just seemed to be an energy that the warming temperatures and lengthening sun would bring. Turns out it has the same effect on little boys. Jack's friend Cregan and Clay popped round for a bit today, and begged for the sprinkler. We (more sane) adults thought it was a bit cold, but really, how can you turn down that kind of enthusiasm. Jack, who absolutely ADORES being the in water when it's his idea, and who will spend hours in the bath splashing around, for some reason gets insensed when he gets sprayed with water when it's NOT his idea. Thus, the first turn of the sprinkler brought shrieks, and not happy ones, tears and a bit of a tantrum. His two friends looked at him like he was crazy, shrugged their shoulders, and got on with the fun. Luckily, peer pressure works on the side of good as well as evil, and Jack soon gave up the whining for the fun of running through the sprinkler. When all three were shivering and blue-lipped, though they swore they were NOT cold, we sent them inside. It took them about 3.4 seconds to realize the bedroom window was open and poke their heads out to see what the parents were doing. And about a nanosecond more to start hamming it up for the camera. Notice who is leaning out and taking up most of the shot!

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